Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Shrove Tuesday/Pancake Day Special.

Image result for easy pancake recipe      Pancake Day.

Image result for pancake day
British women go out of control as Shrove Tuesday fever hits the UK.

In the UK 40 days (actually 46 days but Sundays are not included) before lent we celebrate 'Shrove Tuesday'. Latin countries have Mardi Gras and in many other countries it is an excuse for a massive party. Here in the UK (also in Australia, Ireland and Canada), in typical restrained fashion we make and eat pancakes...!


The word 'shrove' idea means 'absolution' and it was a time when traditionally people asked forgiveness for their sins. Like many other Christian countries, people ate all the rich, fatty foods before entering 40 days of fasting- not eating or eating a limited diet (hence the word- 'breakfast). 

Image result for pancake dayVery few people fast these days but a some might give up a luxury (usually chocolate) for the Lenten period. Tomorrow is 'Ash Wednesday' when fasting begins. Another tradition is pancake races where people run while tossing panckes in a frying pan (we Brits really know how to enjoy ourselves).


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