Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Phrasal Verb for the Day. Take off

Image result for take off

In the top 25 of most frequently used phrasal verbs is- 'take off'. This verb can be transitive or intransitive (see last week's post on phrasal verbs).
Below are the meanings.

To Take off (Trans): Remove an item of clothing. 
This is the most common use and one of the first phrasal verbs people learn.

In Japan it's normal to take off your shoes before going int someone's house.

To Take off (Trans): Imitate. 

I used to get in trouble at school for taking off my teachers.

A take off (can also be used as a noun).

He does a really good take off of that idiot Tony Abbott (for David D).

Talk off (Trans): Spend time way (usually from work/school). 

I needed a rest so I took the week off.

Talk off (Trans): Remove from a menu or list.

The lamb was taken off the menu because no one was buying it.

To Take off (Trans): Release (the brake on a vehicle). 

Before you move don't forget to take off the handbrake.

To Take off (Trans or Intrans): Reduce or discount. Often used in the passive.

I bought it because 20% had been taken off.

To Take off (Intrans): Leave the ground. Very commonly used. 

The Plane takes off at 6.30.

A take off (can also be used as a noun).

It was a very bumpy take off.

To Take off (Intrans): Rise or become popular rapidly. 

Sales of the new album have really taken off.

To Take off (Intrans):Go or leave quickly. 

It was so boring we took off around 11.00.

To take one's hat off to someone: An idiom meaning admire someone.

Kraftwerk have been a huge influence on modern music. You have to take your hat off to them.

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