Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Phrasal Verb for the Day...Go on

Go on holiday.

Phrasal verb 

for the day....Go on.

'Go on' is another phrasal verb which is frequently used in English and like most phrasal verbs it has quite a few different meanings. I choose to look at the verb because it has a lot of meanings.

When looking at the various definitions for 'Go on' I have put (Tran) meaning transitive- that it is used with a direct object and (Intran) meaning intransitive- it can be used without a direct object.

Go on (Tran). To continuing to happen/To do something as before: 

The meeting went on longer than I expected. 
I need another job. I can't go on like this much longer.

Go on (Intran). To happen or occur.

I wonder what's going on in in the match at the 

Go on (Tran). To star a particular activity or being in a certain state (this is a very common form of 'go on' and has a large number of idiomatic uses).

Go on holiday/a trip/a tour/a cruise.
Go on strike (stop working in order to change you pay or conditions).
Go on sale/display.
Go on a diet.
Go on bender (drink a large amount of alcohol continuously over a period).
Go on medication. (start taking some type of medication over a period of time).

Go on (Intran). To start working or become available.

The electricity suddenly went on after 3 hours.
The new iPhone goes on sale next week.

 Go on (Intran). To talk continuously in a way that becomes tedious/To be misunderstood.

That lecture went on for ever!
I had no idea what he was going on about.

Go on (Intran). To continue to talk after a pause.

Sorry to interrupt you, please go on.

Go on to (Tran). To do something/go somewhere after doing something else.

When you've finished exercise a) go on to the next one.
After Portugal we're going on to Spain and France.

Go on (Intran). To walk on to a stage or sport field. 

Rooney went on after 20 minutes.

Go on...! (Intran) To encourage someone. Usually spoken or shouted.

Go on, try it. It's good.

Go on (Trans). Appear on the TV or radio.

The Prime Minister went on the TV last night to appeal for calm.

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