Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Phrasal Verb for the Day. Going out.

the Holiday Bar
*Lets paint the town red!

Phrasal verbs about socializing. 

I decided that just looking at one phrasal verb when there are so many is a bit random and so I'm going to do themes. There will be another on socializing.

To Get ready (intransitive). Dress or prepare to go out.

It takes him forever to get ready.

To Dress up (intransitive). Dress in a formal or elegant way.

It's only an informal occasion. No need to dress up.

To Go out (intransitive). Leave the house for the purpose of socializing.

I don't go out much, only on Friday nights.

To Go out with (transitive). The person/people you socialize with.

I only like going out with small groups of friends.

To Go away (intransitive). Have a short break or holiday.

I haven't been away for ages.

To Go away with (transitive). Have a short break or holiday with someone.

I don't want to go away camping with my parents.

To Go away to (transitive). Have a short break or holiday to a particular place.

I'm going away to Ireland in June.

To Pick up (transitive). Collect.

I'll pick you up at 8.00.

To Meet up (intransitive). Informal for meet.

Lets meet up in the Prince of Wales.

To Meet with (transitive). Informal for meet but with an object.

I'm meeting up with them at 9.00.

To Ask out (transitive). Invite someone to socialize or go on a date.

If you really like her that much you should ask her out.

*To Pop/stop/drop in (intransitive). Make a short visit.

Why don't you pop in later?

*To Pop/stop/drop into (transitive). Make a short visit to a particular place.

Lets pop into Deano's on the way there.

*To Paint the town red- Go out and really celebrate.

It's my birthday lets paint the town red.

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